For the thousands who live in East Village and the tens of thousands who visit every year, keeping the neighbourhood’s streets and public spaces safe, clean and unforgettably awesome is a priority we pursue every day of the year. As stewards of EV’s ongoing redevelopment, CMLC not only builds our neighbourhood’s amazing spaces—they go above and beyond in cultivating its character and reputation as a world-class destination.
While we go to great lengths to keep our neighbourhood as clean and safe and awesome as possible, occasional issues will inevitably arise. We’ve put together a list of resources to make it easy to know who to call and when.
Common Requests
Noise complaints – 311
Litter in public spaces – CMLC
Graffiti removal – CMLC
Public intoxication or open drug use – EV HELP Team
Hazardous waste, including biohazard, removal – CMLC
Persons sleeping in doorways (business or residential) – 211
Vandalism (private property) – Calgary Police Non-Emergency
Snow removal on sidewalks – CMLC
Encampments – Alpha House Encampment Team
In East Village, our streets are as well-connected as our people and ensuring that the spaces, faces and places are as safe as they are welcoming is a top priority. CMLC leads a variety of safety initiatives in the community.
We’re proud of the place East Village has grown into. We show that pride every day in the measures we take to keep the neighbourhood’s streets and public spaces clean and fresh.
From the wheelchair accessible fuchsia picnic tables along RiverWalk to the painted pavement in Celebration Square to the rich palette of public art and events that enliven the neighbourhood, we want to make sure that every visit to East Village is awesome.
Partners Helping us Keep EV Safe, Clean & Awesome
Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
CMLC’s been the master planner, developer and proud placemaker of East Village since 2007.